RekryDiili's services for employers
Whether it's looking for a permanent or temporary employee, quickly fixing a case of illness or increasing the workforce for the seasons, we help your company with your personnel problems.
The biggest personnel problems of companies in Finland today are that personnel are needed very quickly, but the company does not have time for its own recruitment process or the recruitment process is too challenging.
The core of our operation is that we constantly interview new job seekers. When an assignment comes, we know how to create attractive announcements, interview applicants to discover their true skills, and introduce our client to only qualified applicants who succeed in their work tasks. We handle all the administrative matters of our employees through us for you.
RekryDiili offers cost-effective and risk-free staffing services, freeing employers to focus on other key business tasks by providing skilled and suitable workforce for various needs.
RekryDiili eases the burden on employers by efficiently managing recruitment, emphasizing customer service and long-term partnerships, and utilizing suitability assessment tests to define skills and find the best employee.
Headhunting is a confidential recruitment method that seeks qualified candidates for open positions without public job postings, allowing companies to quickly find the most suitable talent and reducing the risk of hiring mistakes, especially for expert-level positions and rare professional skills.
Suitability assessments
Suitability assessments, particularly psychological evaluations, provide additional information and objectivity in recruitment decisions and help identify employees' strengths and development needs, especially in leadership and demanding expert roles. They offer comparable information about applicants that traditional interviews may not always provide.

Why choose RekryDiili?
The recruitment process can be a major challenge for companies, especially when the need for a new employee is urgent. At RekryDiili, our experts are committed to finding a skilled professional for each job, meeting your company's needs and expectations. This allows for fast and efficient recruitment when the situation requires quick action.
We tailor our services to your needs. Whether you need a short-term, seasonal worker for peak season or a full-time specialist for your team, our consultants are ready to help you. Our service is based on the solid experience of our consultants in recruitment processes and their industry experience to serve you optimally.
Benefits of RekryDiili
- Fast and efficient recruitment: our experts quickly find the right employee, allowing your business to continue uninterrupted.
- Skilled professionals: our team consists of experienced recruitment professionals who understand your company's needs and can offer tailored solutions.
- Personalized service: at RekryDiili, we believe that every recruitment process is unique. We offer personalized service that takes into account your company's specific requirements and preferences. You can get to know our candidates' profiles in detail and ensure they fit perfectly with the role and your company culture. We tailor our services to meet your needs, finding the best possible talent.
- People-centric and transparent: we care about our employees, client companies, and our staff. Our customer service is based on people-centricity, transparency, and reliability.
- Excellent customer service: we strive to ensure that everyone who interacts with RekryDiili receives excellent service, making the recruitment process smooth and meaningful.