Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Can't find your question on this page? In that case, you can contact our customer service by phone (+358 44 702 8966) or by email at, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

How do I record hours worked?

The hours you work are recorded in the Like It system. Make sure that the hours you work are recorded correctly and accurately in the system.

When will I get paid?

Paydays for hourly workers are twice a month - on the 15th and last day of each month. If you have a monthly salary, you can choose to be paid once or twice a month.

I need work clothes. What do I do?

We can help you with work clothes and other work-related equipment. Contact the RekryDiil customer service number (+358 44 702 8966) or send an email to

Where are RekryDiili's occupational health services located?

Our statutory occupational health services are located in Pihlajalinna. Our occupational health specialists will help you with your occupational health. You can contact Pihlajalinna by phone or via their website. You can book an occupational health appointment by authenticating with your online banking details or mobile certificate.

What should I do if I fall ill?

In case of illness, you should inform the RekryDiili team as soon as possible. Please contact our customer service number (+358 44 702 8966) and provide us with a sickness certificate.

I had an accident at work. What should I do?

In the event of an accident, you should immediately inform our customer services. The most efficient way to reach them is to call our customer service number (+358 44 702 8966). Once you have dealt with the occupational health service, please provide us with your sick leave certificate.

Do I also have to report absences to RekryDiili?

Yes, every absence must also be reported to us. This way we can keep track of our employees and avoid complicated settlements afterwards.

Where can I find my payslip?

The pay slip can be found in the Like It system. It is also a good idea to check that the hours worked have been accurately recorded and that the salary has been calculated correctly.

What should I do if I have forgotten my Like It ID?

Our usernames are in the format firstname.lastname. You can also contact our customer service (+358 44 702 8966).

Do I have to submit my tax card to RekryDiili?

No need, as we will receive your tax card directly from the tax authorities. You will only have to submit your tax card to RekryDiili if you revise your tax card.

What is my notice period?

The notice period may vary from sector to sector, but the easiest way to get an answer to your question is to contact our customer service team (+358 44 702 8966) or

What kind of pay do I get?

Salaries may vary depending on the agreement with your employer, but each job we offer will be paid at least the minimum wage set out in the relevant collective agreement.

Can I apply for a job if I don't have required permits?

Some employers may require their employees to have various types of licence cards, such as a hot work licence or a hygiene pass. RekryDiili will aim to train new employees where possible to complete these licence cards. To enquire about training, please call our customer service number (+358 44 702 8966) or email

Can I sign an employment contract even though I already have a contract with another temporary employment agency?

Yes you can, under the Employment Contracts Act the employee is not obliged to inform the employer about the part-time work. However, remember to take care of your own well-being and don't forget to rest between shifts!